5 min readJan 12, 2021


Weight Loss Center in Ludhiana

weight loss center in Ludhiana

If you are trying to lose weight, you must know how struggling and challenging it is. The web is full of weird information that guarantees weight loss but is useless. But the fact is that if you are serious about losing extra fat from your body, you have to follow a proper diet and do some weight loss exercises. Apart from losing weight, exercise is associated with several other benefits such as stronger bones, improved moods, and reduced risk of several chronic diseases. To reap all the benefits of exercise, you need professional guidance for visible results.

RGHC, a reliable weight loss center in Ludhiana provides a weight loss regime that includes short, easy to follow, and fun workouts. If that is what you are also looking for, below are some exercises you should include in your workouts. Before talking about the exercises, let us have a look at the major causes of weight gain.

Causes for Weight Gain

  • Genetics
  • Engineered junk food
  • Food addiction
  • Insulin
  • Certain medications
  • Leptin resistance
  • Sugar

Top 5 Exercises For Weight Loss

Top 5 Exercises for Weight loss

1. Squats

The first on the list is squats. When you ask for weight loss exercise, squads stand first. Many professional trainers will recommend this exercise for weight loss. It works on the lower body muscles, including calves, hips, thighs, and glutes. It is basically a movement we do regularly in a day, so when you add it to your workouts, it will give functionality to your weight loss training.

How To Do It?

You need to stand up with feet hip-width apart, and toes angled slightly outward or facing straight ahead to do squats. The next step is to bend the knees and squat by sending your hips back behind while keeping your abs pulled tight and torso straight. Avoid knees caving inward. Squat as low as you can, and then push into your heels to stand up.


  • Wall sit
  • One-leg squat
  • Squat with one dumbbell
  • Barbell squat
  • Squat with dumbbells
  • Wide leg squat

2. Push-Ups

Push-ups is another in the list. It shows effective results when executed correctly. This exercise requires zero equipment and has many variations. It can help you lose weight by building muscles and burning calories. The number of calories it burns depends from person to person. On average, it can help you burn seven calories in a minute.

How To Do It?

In order to do push-ups, you need to be in a plank position. Your hands should be wider than your shoulder, and the balance will be on toes or knees for modifications. Keep your body straight from head to heels. Now bend your arms slowly and lower your body to the floor. Keep your neck straight and push yourself down until your chest touches the floor. Then come back to full plank position again.


  • Resisted push-ups
  • Seesaw push-ups on the ball
  • Incline push-ups
  • Staggered push-ups
  • Push-ups with hands on the ball
  • Push-ups on the ball
  • Dive bomber push-ups
  • One-arm triceps push-up
  • Push-ups with side plank

3. The Plank

Plank is one of the best calorie-burning exercises out there. Highly suggested by trainers, this exercise is amazing when done correctly. It is quite effective in losing belly fat. By doing different forms of planks, you can start building your strength, resulting in weight loss. This exercise reinforces thighs, butts, back, and shoulder, helping you to strengthen your muscles from these body parts.

How To Do It?

To do planks, you need to lie face down on the floor and rest your elbows on the floor close to your chest. Now push your body off the floor in the position of push up with your body resting on your hands or elbows. Keep the body straight, contract the abs for 30 to 60 seconds, and repeat it according to your convenience.

Best weight loss center in Ludhiana

4. Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is one of the most effective exercises for weight loss, developing coordination, ankle and calf strength, posture, cardiovascular endurance, and posture. It is also a calorie burner and good for the heart. When starting with jumping rope, make sure to start it slowly and once you have mastered, work on increasing duration and speed to burn calories.

How To Do It?

Jumping rope needs the coordination of arm and foot movements. You need to hold both rope handles in hand, swing it from toe to head, and jump as when the rope comes back to the toe. Do it for one minute continuously, and as you get comfortable, increase the time accordingly.

5. Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers, as the name indicates, are an exercise inspired by the way of climbing the mountain. Many fitness experts believe that it is the most helpful exercise when it comes to strengthening muscles and losing fat. This exercise is the most travel-friendly exercise because it needs no equipment. This total body exercise gets your heart rate fast while functioning on every muscle of the body, such as quads, obliques, chest, triceps, deltoids, biceps, hip abductors, and hamstrings.

How To Do It?

Mountain climbers start by getting into a conventional plank position. Once you involve your core, now bring your right knee forward and below your chest with toes above the floor. Now get back to the plank position and bring your left knee forward. Just keep on changing your legs until you pick up speed, and it seems like you are running on one spot.

Wrapping The Post

Exercise plays a major role in weight loss when accompanied by a healthy diet. The total weight you ought to reduce depends on several factors such as age, gender, diet, sleep, genetics, and medical conditions. Apart from the exercises mentioned above, cardio, weight lifting, and many exercises can help you shed extra kilos.

However, to get benefits, it is vital to get professional training. But, before you join a weight loss center in Ludhiana, make sure to go through your body analysis to understand your weight gain’s main issue. Once you know it, your professional personal trainer will help you get the right weight loss exercises.




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